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COVID-19: In-person shows
Leigh avatar
Written by Leigh
Updated over a week ago

COVID-19 Safety at In-Person shows

The Side Door team is committed to the safety of all participants at our shows. As communities are gathering again during the covid-19 pandemic, we ask that you please take all precautions necessary to protect yourself and your people.

We understand and acknowledge that every territory, city, region and country have implemented different guidelines for gatherings. First and foremost, any in-person Side Door show should adhere to the local guidelines and be monitored by the Host.

We encourage show creators to update the show description on the ticket page and any communications to guests with your covid safety protocols and audience expectations for the event. Please see a list of recommended precautions below. These guidelines are informed by persistent research into reopening regulations from numerous regions across the globe.

If you are gathering with others, please play it safe. If you have suggestions or feedback regarding this matter please contact the Side Door team at

Recommended In-Person Show COVID Precautions

Stay informed and follow the regulations for your region as determined by your local public health officials. Here are some things to consider before planning / hosting / performing / attending in-person shows and events:

  • Are you aware of your city / county’s current restrictions, agree to follow them and take responsibility as people participating in a gathering?

  • Are you aware of the number of people that are allowed to gather indoors and outdoors, and what the social distancing regulations are? If you are hosting, you will have to actively keep count of the number of people in your space.

  • Do you have enough space to allow for appropriate distancing? (this can significantly reduce your typical capacity)

  • Is your show indoors or outdoors? How does that affect the safety measures? Is there a rain date (outdoor shows)?

  • Will you require participants to wear masks? Will you sell masks or will guests have to bring their own? Will you have some masks available for free if people forget?

  • Will you require artists, audiences and/or participants to show proof of negative test before attending?

  • Are you prepared to provide extra measures such as hand-washing stations, sanitizers, consistent cleaning of high touch areas?

  • Do people have to travel to get to the event and are there any travel restrictions in your area that will affect access to the event? Is the artist traveling from somewhere to play at your space?

  • What are your policies on using facilities and/or participants accessing water, food, shared utensils, etc.? Consider allowing guests to bring their own food and beverage, rather than providing refreshments.

  • Are you sharing any microphone/equipment with others? If so, do you have the appropriate tools/cleaning products to disinfect between uses? Or will you each be bringing your own equipment?

  • Do you agree to be transparent and provide your audience with a list of precautions you’ve taken, either through creating signs or sending messages to ticket holders, in order to allow them to make a comfortable decision whether or not to attend your event?

*Terms - Side Door is not liable for anything that happens at the show, but they will be available for support and consultation.

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